"The original 'black lives matter' was that the slaves' lives mattered." -- Judge James Wynn, Jr.
I tweeted this quote from Berean Baptist Church of Raleigh's 2015 Abolition Day ceremony and I just came across it again. It was very timely, as we see how, a week ago tomorrow, scores of (mostly) White people took siege of the United States Capitol building in Washington D.C., proving that, while peaceful Black protestors are seen as a threat to the democracy, White terrorists are literally escorted in.
The episode jumps around some but paints one very clear picture: We aren't standing for second class citizenship anymore. We will not let America berate us, lessen the role our ancestors played in the building of this nation, or inflate the myths of their forefathers. We are here for truth, equity, integrity. Anything less is unacceptable.
We're almost on month three of social distancing. It's been a lot, especially for an extrovert like me. Thank God for phones and FaceTime....
On this episode, Laphelle Taylor, who is now my most regular guest, and I chop it up about everything from poltiics to race to...
One of my favorite Rick Ross lines is from the album "Rather You Than Me," where Ross says "I'm happy Donald Trump became the...