Divorcing Profits from Prison

Episode 21 February 02, 2021 00:14:16
Divorcing Profits from Prison
Narr.O.W. Podcast
Divorcing Profits from Prison

Feb 02 2021 | 00:14:16


Show Notes

Last week, Pres. Joseph Biden took the necessary steps to end federal prison contracts with privately-owned prisons. This is step one in removing incentives to keep Black people locked up. We cannot tie people's livelihoods to oppressing other individual and think that they won't try to find any way possible to keep those people oppressed. If I think that hurting you will keep food in my children's stomachs, there is a better chance that I will dehumanize you and subconsciously justify the injustices that I subject you to. That is what America has done to Black people and other people of color for centuries.

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