This episode isn't the deepest but, to me, it was the most fun thus far. On this episode, I go through TIDAL's 2010s Hip-Hop playlist and select some tracks that spoke to me from the last decade, going into the impact they had on either myself, the culture, or both. I couldn't go through all of the music but I think I picked some good ones out of the playlist's 200 songs.
I'm sick of them killing us and then the media turning around to show the footage as if it is a Micheal Jordan highlight...
One of my favorite Rick Ross lines is from the album "Rather You Than Me," where Ross says "I'm happy Donald Trump became the...
No real topic on this episode. Season 3 begins in May. Catch y'all in a couple months! @NarrOWPodcast The Narratives Over Wine & Whiskey...