The Return of the Sundown Town

Episode 9 November 03, 2020 00:16:22
The Return of the Sundown Town
Narr.O.W. Podcast
The Return of the Sundown Town

Nov 03 2020 | 00:16:22


Show Notes

Today is Election Day 2020 and you would think it was Election Day 1920 due to the threats that have been made by terrorists who operate in the name of White Nationalism. Back in the day, Sundown Towns were communities where non-White people could not move safely after dark. Today, it feels as if we may be reentering that moment in history, even if briefly. Stay smart. Stay safe.


On the front end of the episode, I mentioned Tully Murray, the graphic designer who did the logo for the podcast (as well as for my photography business). You can check his work out on Instagram by following @thegoodpxl

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