Latest Episodes
Create a Bigger One
A lot of us think that missing an opportunity is a bad thing but it can be the greatest thing that ever happened to...
Hip-Hop of the 2010s: The Music & Its Impact
This episode isn't the deepest but, to me, it was the most fun thus far. On this episode, I go through TIDAL's 2010s Hip-Hop...
What If 2020 Isn't Your Year?
I get it. Everyone wants this to be their year. And I hope it is. But what if it isn't? In this episode, I...
New Year Prep
2020 is approaching quickly. In this short (but impactful) episode, I outline how I am working to set myself for a great decade next...
I Never Want to Be That Famous
Too frequently, people want to have influential relationships instead of impactful ones. This episode focuses on why we aren't meant to be world famous...
Lessons from Queen & Slim (Spoiler Alert!)
Heads up: There are some spoilers in this episode. If you care, pay to see the movie first. In this episode, I address some...